“Septum”, is a name given to the wall -consists of cartilage and bone- seperating the nasal cavity. This is not strictly flat in every people but does not cause any problem mostly. If heavily deviated or deviated in some critical parts of the nasal passage then it cause nasal obstruction. This is mostly related with past trauma. People mostly do not remember it. Septoplasty is the name given to the operation done to correct this pathology.
You will go under an operation that is perofrmed inside of the nose without swelling or external incision. Anyway you have to take some precautions preoperatively.
These informations are prepared for you to have a successful and comfortable operation. Whatever the informations present here, please ask any kind of questions bothering you to your doctor.
Preparation for operation
Please wear comfortable clothes . While taking out and putting them on they should not touch your nose.
What to bring with us? Most patients return to home at the same day. Even low probability to stay at hospital bring your tooth brush and some other things you can need with you.
If you use contact lenses, using glasses will be more comfortable after the surgery.
Leave your valuable wearings at home.
Bring your personal drugs if you have.
Arrange your transport. Since you cannot drive car at least 24 hours after the operation, you may need someone to take you home.
Avoid aspirin. Do not use aspirin or like drugs causing bleeding at leats one week before and after the operation.
Operation day
Anesthesia: It is a branch of medicine that arranges patients to have operation without feeling any pain. Do not afraid of anesthesia. It is not fainting rather controlled sleeping and waking up by the anesthesiologist. During the surgery the specialist will beside you checking your respiration, heart beats, blood tension and other vital signs.
Necessary tests will be performed before surgery. Patients undergoing general ensethesia should have an empty stomach, therefore you should not eat or drink at least 6 hours before surgery. If stop smoking five days ago, you will be more comfortable after the operation.
Anesthesia wil be according to your needs, heavy or light anesthesia means nothing.
Patients just after anesthesia are sleepy even they can answer your questions, do not worry.
After operation
Patient stays at the rooom after the operation until doctors decide according to the situation of the patient. Patient is discharged at the same or the day after surgery.
Nasal pack: You most probably have a nasal tampon after the operation. Tampon changes according to the type of the operation. A gauze may be under your nose just to suck the blood if comes from your nose. This is changed when filled with blood.
Tampon in your nose will be taken out by your doctor when needed to be, mostly in one week.
If you want we inform your family after the operation even if they are not with you at the time of the operation.
Pain: There may be a little pain after the operation therefore pain killers are used. Please take the analgesic that is adviced, do not use any analgesic like Aspirin or Aspirin containing.
Diet: There may be a little stomach upset after the operation. First 24 hours after the operation we advice you to eat light food mostly liquid. Do not eat spicy food to prevent sneezing.
First week after the operation
Avoid heavy physical activities. They may increase the blood pressure and cause bleeding.
Drying of lips: Your lips may dry because of mouth breathing. You can use lipsticks or vaseline to moisture them.
Flight: Air is dry in the planes therefore you need to moisture your nose while flying. You may feel pressure in your face also therefore ask your doctor to take decongestant drugs.
Nasal care: Do not sneeze your nose first week. If mucous or blood accumulate in your nose, take them inside with a light breath and spit them out. You will see drainage of bloody mucous in your nose first week, do not afraid of it. If high amount of blood comes then contact to your doctor. Even sometimes scant amount of blood can come out of the nose in one month.
Do not insert anything in your nose. If dry blood blocks the entrance of your nose, you can take it with cottons immersed with oxygen smoothly.
Sneezing: If you have to sneeze do it as your mouth open, so you do not give any pressure to your nose.
First control after the operation
It is very easy to take the silicon tamponade out, do not worry.
First months after the operation
Physical activity: You can do aerobic after one week, try to not to get trauma to your nose first month. Do not swim first two weeks.
Healing period: Your tissues will be get last position after six weeks. Sometimes you can feel blockage of nose, this is normal.
Do not forget, healing is a process not an event.